Sh. Manoj Sinha
Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor, J&K

Shri Omar Abdullah
Hon'ble Chief Minister,UT, J&K

Ms. Sakeena Itoo
Hon'ble Minister for H&ME Department

Dr.Syed Abid Rasheed Shah(IAS)
Administative Secretary H & ME Department

Shri Nazim Zai Khan (IAS)
Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM)
The Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) aims to develop the backbone necessary to support the integrated digital health infrastructure of the country. It will bridge the existing gap amongst different stakeholders of Healthcare ecosystem through digital highways. The ABDM was initiated in the month of November 2021 in the UT of J&K and was rolled out in Jammu and Kashmir vide Government Order No 538-JK(HME) of 2022, Dated 25.07.2022. The State Office was established at Old Assembly Complex, Srinagar and Bahu Plaza, Jammu.
ABHA Number
Your Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) Number is a hassle-free method of accessing and sharing your health records digitally. It enables your interaction with participating healthcare providers, and allows you to receive your digital lab reports, prescriptions and diagnosis seamlessly from verified healthcare professionals and health service providers
Health Facility Registry
Health Facility Registry is a comprehensive repository of all the health facilities of the country across different systems of medicine. It includes both public and private health facilities including hospitals, clinics, diagnostic laboratories and imaging centers, pharmacies, etc.
Unified Health Interface (UHI)
UHI is envisioned as an open protocol for various digital health services. UHI Network will be an open network of End User Applications (EUAs) and participating Health Service Provider (HSP) applications. UHI will enable a wide variety of digital health services between patients and health service providers (HSPs) including appointment booking, teleconsultation, service discovery, and others.
Healthcare Professional Registry
Healthcare Professionals Registry is a comprehensive repository of all healthcare professionals involved in delivery of healthcare services across both modern and traditional systems of medicine.
Jan Sahayak
Latest News & Events
Latest News
-Pre-bid meeting of RFP for Microsite development in J&K
- RFP for Selection of Interface Agency for Development of ABDM Microsites in J&K
- Rolling Out of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission

Qui laudantium consequatur laborum sit qui ad sapiente dila parde sonata raqer a videna mareta paulona marka

Et nobis maiores eius. Voluptatibus ut enim blanditiis atque harum sint. Laborum eos ipsum ipsa odit magni. Incidunt hic ut molestiae aut qui. Est repellat minima eveniet eius et quis magni nihil. Consequatur dolorem quaerat quos qui similique accusamus nostrum rem vero
Qui laudantium consequatur laborum sit qui ad sapiente dila parde sonata raqer a videna mareta paulona marka

Et nobis maiores eius. Voluptatibus ut enim blanditiis atque harum sint. Laborum eos ipsum ipsa odit magni. Incidunt hic ut molestiae aut qui. Est repellat minima eveniet eius et quis magni nihil. Consequatur dolorem quaerat quos qui similique accusamus nostrum rem vero
Qui laudantium consequatur laborum sit qui ad sapiente dila parde sonata raqer a videna mareta paulona marka

Et nobis maiores eius. Voluptatibus ut enim blanditiis atque harum sint. Laborum eos ipsum ipsa odit magni. Incidunt hic ut molestiae aut qui. Est repellat minima eveniet eius et quis magni nihil. Consequatur dolorem quaerat quos qui similique accusamus nostrum rem vero
Current Status of ABDM J&K
Status of ABHAs | |
Total Projected Population | 1,35,62,001 |
ABHAs Created | 91,91,743 |
Percentage | 68 |
Health Records Linked | 78,56,786 |
Status of HPR | |
Total Public Doctors | 7,730 |
Public Doctors Registered | 6,479 |
Percentage | 84 % |
Total Public Nurses | 5,149 |
Public Nurses Registered | 4,290 |
Percentage | 83% |
Total Percentage (Doctors + Nurses ) | 84 % |
Status of HFR | |
Total Public Facilities | 3,716 |
Public Facilities Registered | 3,716 |
Percentage | 100 |
Scan and Share Status | |
Active Facilities | 105 |
Token Count | 58,07,914 |
Top Performers